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Scribbles From Missions

I love missions.  Not only did God allow me to work as a missionary in a remote tribe of Papua New Guinea for many years, but He continues to allow me to serve missionaries as part of the leadership of Open Door Baptist Missions today.  I sometimes weep when I read the biographies of the faithful who have gone before us.  I am convicted by their commitment and their determination to “endure hardness as good soldiers” of Jesus Christ. 


I am inspired to do more for God’s kingdom by studying the faithful servants of God.  I am humbled by their sacrifices.  I am motivated to do more, and to do it better.  I have learned much and been changed by the faithful men and women that God has called throughout the centuries to take His Good News to every tribe, tongue, and nation.  I want you to know them too. 


So, in this blog, I hope you will find people to inspire you, encourage you, and motivate you to do more for God's kingdom.

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