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Why This Blog?

Writer's picture: scribblesbyshawnscribblesbyshawn

Updated: Mar 22, 2024

My inspiration . . .

As a child, I fell in love with Lucy Maud Montgomery's Anne of Green Gables. Of course, if you've never read the books, you may not understand me at all. But, if you haven't read the books, then by all means READ THEM!!!

For our 25th wedding anniversary my sweet hubby surprised me with a trip to Prince Edward Island to see the place that inspired Montgomery.

It was everything I hoped it would be (and more). It gave me the courage to finally do something with the stories and thoughts I've scribbled over the years. I hope you enjoy them!

My hope . . .

Throughout my life, I've had the privilege of meeting some amazing people who have come alongside me and helped me grow. They encouraged me along in my journey through history. I have also been greatly and positively changed by the heroes of history that I have met in the books I have read.

My goal with this blog is to introduce you to people (past and present) who are worth knowing. I want you to know people who not only changed me, but more importantly, people who changed the world.

No one is perfect and the men and women that I choose to highlight are wonderfully imperfect people who did the hard things and made a difference.​ I hope you enjoy the snippets of their stories that I've scribbled down for you.

My goal is to spark your interest enough that you follow up my scribbles with more investigation of your own.

I am inspired to do more for God’s kingdom by studying the faithful servants of God. I am humbled by their sacrifices. I am motivated to do more, and to do it better. I have learned much and been changed by the faithful men and women that God has called throughout the centuries to take His Good News to every tribe, tongue, and nation. I want you to know them too.

I hope you will find people to inspire you, encourage you, and motivate you to do more for God's kingdom.

I wrote most of these posts imagining that we were just a couple of friends hanging out, doing life together, and encouraging one another. The conversational tone is meant to refresh and revitalize you in the same way I have been supported.

Thanks for reading!


If you love to collect beautifully bound books, you may enjoy these extra special editions of the Anne of Green Gables series.


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PS: If you haven't checked out my little curiosity shop lately check out some of our bestsellers below.

Also, if you'd like to check out more stories of Christian Heroes, one of our personal family favorite series is from YWAM (Youth With a Mission) Publishing. Click on image below to check out some of their great resources.


Disclosure: Bear in mind that some of the links in this post are affiliate links and if you go through them to make a purchase I will earn a commission. Keep in mind that I link these companies and their products because of their quality. The decision is yours, and whether or not you decide to buy something is completely up to you. Please read full disclosure here.


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